Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Cairo and Such - Tuesday 5/22

We've had a few techincial difficulties with posting the blog text, hopefully we'll be able to post more this evening when we're back in Cairo. All is well with every member of our 50-person group and so far we've enjoyed the Mohammed Ali (not the boxer) Mosque, the Cairo Museum, and a papyrus factory. We're currently in Luxor and will be visiting a number of tombs today along with the pyramids and other exciting things.


Goudlings said...

Happy Birthday Shay and Suzanne.
Enjoy everyminute of this awesome and once in a lifetime Birthday!
Love, The Goulding's

Susan said...

Amy Krantz - Good to know everyone is well! I am looking forward to seeing all the pictures you bring back. Miss you! Mom

Jake said...

Char, can you bring me home a mummy? I've always wanted my own. If not, I'll settle for a piece of the cross. Everyone has one of those!

Kayla Prestridge said...

I just want you to know that I am insanely jealous of you. Just working and wishing I was seeing mummies and pyramids. Love you girl. Hope you are having fun!!!
love always, your lil' sis

Em said...

Amy K -
Glad that you haven't been kidnapped! Hope that you are having a fabulous time. Miss ya! Love - Em